The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms 27:1

An old time country church, preaching the old time Gospel message, for abundant Christian living today.

Greetings! We would like to invite you to stop by and visit our church family. We would love to meet you in person.

See Our Video Channel

Service Times

10:30 am - Adult Bible Class
Sunday School classes for Grades K-12th
6:00 pm - Adults and teens meet together while children in grades K-6 have their combined class with their teachers.

7:00 pm - Adult Bible Study
families meet together for prayer and Bible teaching
Children in grades K-4 meeting in class with their teachers

*A staffed nursery is available at every service

Please contact us for additional information or to request a free copy of the preaching from last month's services:

Reverend Dan Barner Founder/Pastor
(607) 426-8932
4371 College Avenue
Corning, NY 14830


Website Accessibility Statement

Quackenbush Hill Baptist Church 4371 College Ave. Corning, NY 14830